Japfa Group Sustainability Target

In 2022, we set Japfa Group Sustainability Targets with 2022 data as baseline, an important move to direct our business activities to be mindful of environmental and social impacts. By 2023, these targets are realised in the development of action plans by various units in the Company. The action plans are agreed upon and approved by management to guide Japfa's business activities.

Japfa's Sustainability Targets are anchored in two key areas: environmental and social dimensions. The environmental component is central to our dedication towards reducing emissions and mitigating climate risks. We base our Scope 1 emission target on 2022 baseline data, measuring it per kilogram of live bird.

Japfa's Sustainability Targets are anchored in two key areas: environmental and social dimensions. The environmental component is central to our dedication towards reducing emissions and mitigating climate risks. We base our Scope 1 emission target on 2022 baseline data, measuring it per kilogram of live bird.

Japfa Group followed Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations to disclose our governance, strategies, risk management, and metrics related to climate. In 2022, Japfa Group already set sustainability targets. As the major contributor to the revenue of the Group, we were closely involved in determining the targets and action plans to achieve the targets.